
在 chia 官方即将推出 NFT 功能的时候,我们 BSH 社区为了配合官方的 NFT 功能,特地开展一次 NFT 大赛。NFT 大赛的活动内容丰富,奖励多多,总有一个适合你!

本次 NFT 创作大赛内容不限,但是限制创作形式为图片。同时为了更好地宣传 BSH 和 Chia,因此 BSH 执委会在此建议大家,尽量创作有关 BSH 或 Chia 的内容,当然也可以有其他的创作内容,例如马上到来的端午节(详细解释可以访问:端午节 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书)。亦或者是将以上内容混合在一起创作,总之一句话,创作内容不限! BSH 执委会鼓励大家进行原创,严禁盗图等侵犯版权的行为,一旦发现,将取消参赛资格!

参加 NFT 大赛的作品不但能够获得 BSH 的奖励,同时 BSH 执委会还会以 BSH 官方的名义,将参赛作品上传到 NFT 交易平台进行交易,还将以 BSH 社区的宣传渠道对优秀参赛作品进行推广宣传。而交易所得的 90% 将返还给参赛者!

参加比赛的人,在上传 NFT 作品的时候,别忘了留下你的钱包地址~~~~
同时也要将图片放到文件名为 NFTs_钱包地址(例如:NFTs_(例如:xch1addhcw2sk5hleks8s5u8gqx9jlf5fzupkms4679dasjzja2pr04syr78cz,下面简称为 NFTs)的文件夹里,NFTs 文件夹里要包含三个文件夹,分别是画画、P图、拍照,然后将图片分别放到对应的文件夹里。最后压缩成名字为 NFTs_钱包地址.zip 的压缩包!(例如钱包地址将作为唯一标识名!否则可能导致无法上传到 NFT 交易平台,造成损失!

活动周期:2022.06.03 - 2022.06.18
1、活动形式将分为 3 个赛道,分别是画画,P 图,拍照
2、每一个人都可以参加以上 3 个赛道,可以同时参加所有的赛道
3、每一个人在每个赛道上可以创作多个作品,但是在每个赛道上, BSH 执委会分别只会奖励一次 BSH 。因此一个人最多获得 3 次 BSH 奖励。
4、在作者创作多个作品时,BSH 将会把这些作品都放到 NFT 交易平台进行售卖。
5、具体的 NFT 售卖时间将根据实际情况而决定,同时奖励发放也会根据实际情况而决定。

1、参加 拍照 赛道的人将可以获得 10 万 BSH,参加 P 图 赛道的人将可以获得 50 万 BSH,而参加画画 赛道的人将可以获得 100 万 BSH
2、同时参加 3 个赛道的人,最高可以获得 160 万 BSH
3、在 NFT 交易平台上出售 NFT 所得的收益中,原作者可以获得 90% 的收益,而 BSH 官方则获得 10% 的收益,以作为举办活动的经费、渠道宣传费等费用。

English Version:

[First draft] BSH’s first NFT creation contest is here~~~

When chia officially launched the NFT function, our BSH community specially launched an NFT contest in order to cooperate with the official NFT function. The activities of the NFT contest are rich in content and rewards, there is always one for you!

The content of this NFT creation contest is not limited, but the creation form is limited to pictures. At the same time, in order to better promote BSH and Chia, the BSH Executive Committee hereby recommends everyone to create content about BSH or Chia as much as possible, and of course other creative content, such as the upcoming Dragon Boat Festival (for a detailed explanation, please visit: Dragon Boat Festival - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). Or you can create a mixture of the above content. In a word, the content of creation is not limited! The BSH Executive Committee encourages everyone to make original creations, and strictly prohibits copyright infringement such as stealing pictures. Once found, the qualification will be disqualified!

Entries participating in the NFT competition will not only be rewarded by BSH, but the BSH Executive Committee will also upload the entries to the NFT trading platform for trading in the official name of BSH, and will also use the publicity channels of the BSH community to promote outstanding entries. publicity. 90% of the proceeds from the sale will be returned to the entrants!

Those who participated in the competition, don’t forget to leave your wallet address when uploading NFT works~~~~
At the same time, the pictures should be placed in a folder named NFTs. The NFTs folder should contain three folders, namely, drawing, P-picture, and taking pictures, and then put the pictures in the corresponding folders. Finally, it is compressed into a compressed package named wallet! (Example: The wallet address will be the unique identifier! Otherwise, it may result in failure to upload to the NFT trading platform, resulting in losses!

activity details:
Event period: 2022.06.03 - 2022.06.18
rule of activity:

  1. The form of the activity will be divided into 3 tracks, which are painting, P-picture, and photo-taking.
  2. Everyone can participate in the above 3 tracks, and can participate in all tracks at the same time
  3. Each person can create multiple works on each track, but on each track, the BSH Executive Committee will only award BSH once. Therefore, a person can get up to 3 BSH rewards.
  4. When the author creates multiple works, BSH will put these works on the NFT trading platform for sale.
  5. The specific NFT sales time will be determined according to the actual situation, and the reward distribution will also be determined according to the actual situation.

Reward rules:

  1. Those who take part in the photo course will get 100,000 BSH, those who take part in the P picture course will get 500,000 BSH, and those who take part in the drawing course will get 1 million BSH
  2. Those who participate in 3 tracks at the same time can get up to 1.6 million BSH
  3. The original author can get 90% of the income from the sale of NFT on the NFT trading platform, while the BSH official gets 10% of the income, which is used as the expenses for holding activities, channel promotion fees and other expenses.




作品压缩包: (3.9 MB)


大家可以下载我的压缩包看一下压缩包的具体目录是怎么样的 (5.3 MB) (9.6 MB) (868.3 KB)




1 个赞



地址:xch1rafwk7rpegtlgq8l67uajnqhf28qvc9d40cx4sedy6hjk2yp34yqw5zqvp (4.2 MB)

xch1ppz3ds6wsz8q05xj7xtzadvatvhxl6a93skwzpehrg4y5ku2hk0q9pyu7y (1.4 MB) (7.1 MB)
@legend zhou



xch149gxxafqdzv94u26faznfc2njvwnnn4qnjjlzkszcy67vxrvk4jqhgwu29 (3.3 MB)


地址: xch17jc2j6459sr79cegpp0cl32lvchn335xyts4zwyppql2u9z0uw2sal95kl
参赛作品: (1.7 MB)

参赛作品: (364.5 KB)